This paper focuses on analyzing and improving the commonsense ability of recent popular vision-language (VL) models. Despite the great success, we observe that existing VL-models still lack commonsense knowledge/reasoning ability (e.g., "Lemons are sour"), which is a vital component towards artificial general intelligence. Through our analysis, we find one important reason is that existing large-scale VL datasets do not contain much commonsense knowledge, which motivates us to improve the commonsense of VL-models from the data perspective. Rather than collecting a new VL training dataset, we propose a more scalable strategy, i.e., "Data Augmentation with kNowledge graph linearization for CommonsensE capability" (DANCE). It can be viewed as one type of data augmentation technique, which can inject commonsense knowledge into existing VL datasets on the fly during training. More specifically, we leverage the commonsense knowledge graph (e.g., ConceptNet) and create variants of text description in VL datasets via bidirectional sub-graph sequentialization. For better commonsense evaluation, we further propose the first retrieval-based commonsense diagnostic benchmark. By conducting extensive experiments on some representative VL-models, we demonstrate that our DANCE technique is able to significantly improve the commonsense ability while maintaining the performance on vanilla retrieval tasks. The code and data are available at
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具有高质量注释的大规模培训数据对于训练语义和实例分割模型至关重要。不幸的是,像素的注释是劳动密集型且昂贵的,从而提高了对更有效的标签策略的需求。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的3D到2D标签传输方法,即Panoptic Nerf,该方法旨在从易于体现的粗3D边界原始基原始素中获取每个像素2D语义和实例标签。我们的方法利用NERF作为可区分的工具来统一从现有数据集中传输的粗3D注释和2D语义提示。我们证明,这种组合允许通过语义信息指导的几何形状,从而使跨多个视图的准确语义图渲染。此外,这种融合过程解决了粗3D注释的标签歧义,并过滤了2D预测中的噪声。通过推断3D空间并渲染到2D标签,我们的2D语义和实例标签是按设计一致的多视图。实验结果表明,在挑战Kitti-360数据集的挑战性城市场景方面,Pastic Nerf的表现优于现有标签传输方法。
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Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) are emerging in text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis because of their strong capability of generating high-fidelity samples. However, their iterative refinement process in high-dimensional data space results in slow inference speed, which restricts their application in real-time systems. Previous works have explored speeding up by minimizing the number of inference steps but at the cost of sample quality. In this work, to improve the inference speed for DDPM-based TTS model while achieving high sample quality, we propose ResGrad, a lightweight diffusion model which learns to refine the output spectrogram of an existing TTS model (e.g., FastSpeech 2) by predicting the residual between the model output and the corresponding ground-truth speech. ResGrad has several advantages: 1) Compare with other acceleration methods for DDPM which need to synthesize speech from scratch, ResGrad reduces the complexity of task by changing the generation target from ground-truth mel-spectrogram to the residual, resulting into a more lightweight model and thus a smaller real-time factor. 2) ResGrad is employed in the inference process of the existing TTS model in a plug-and-play way, without re-training this model. We verify ResGrad on the single-speaker dataset LJSpeech and two more challenging datasets with multiple speakers (LibriTTS) and high sampling rate (VCTK). Experimental results show that in comparison with other speed-up methods of DDPMs: 1) ResGrad achieves better sample quality with the same inference speed measured by real-time factor; 2) with similar speech quality, ResGrad synthesizes speech faster than baseline methods by more than 10 times. Audio samples are available at
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Logical reasoning of text is an important ability that requires understanding the information present in the text, their interconnections, and then reasoning through them to infer new conclusions. Prior works on improving the logical reasoning ability of language models require complex processing of training data (e.g., aligning symbolic knowledge to text), yielding task-specific data augmentation solutions that restrict the learning of general logical reasoning skills. In this work, we propose APOLLO, an adaptively pretrained language model that has improved logical reasoning abilities. We select a subset of Wikipedia, based on a set of logical inference keywords, for continued pretraining of a language model. We use two self-supervised loss functions: a modified masked language modeling loss where only specific parts-of-speech words, that would likely require more reasoning than basic language understanding, are masked, and a sentence-level classification loss that teaches the model to distinguish between entailment and contradiction types of sentences. The proposed training paradigm is both simple and independent of task formats. We demonstrate the effectiveness of APOLLO by comparing it with prior baselines on two logical reasoning datasets. APOLLO performs comparably on ReClor and outperforms baselines on LogiQA.
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Error correction in automatic speech recognition (ASR) aims to correct those incorrect words in sentences generated by ASR models. Since recent ASR models usually have low word error rate (WER), to avoid affecting originally correct tokens, error correction models should only modify incorrect words, and therefore detecting incorrect words is important for error correction. Previous works on error correction either implicitly detect error words through target-source attention or CTC (connectionist temporal classification) loss, or explicitly locate specific deletion/substitution/insertion errors. However, implicit error detection does not provide clear signal about which tokens are incorrect and explicit error detection suffers from low detection accuracy. In this paper, we propose SoftCorrect with a soft error detection mechanism to avoid the limitations of both explicit and implicit error detection. Specifically, we first detect whether a token is correct or not through a probability produced by a dedicatedly designed language model, and then design a constrained CTC loss that only duplicates the detected incorrect tokens to let the decoder focus on the correction of error tokens. Compared with implicit error detection with CTC loss, SoftCorrect provides explicit signal about which words are incorrect and thus does not need to duplicate every token but only incorrect tokens; compared with explicit error detection, SoftCorrect does not detect specific deletion/substitution/insertion errors but just leaves it to CTC loss. Experiments on AISHELL-1 and Aidatatang datasets show that SoftCorrect achieves 26.1% and 9.4% CER reduction respectively, outperforming previous works by a large margin, while still enjoying fast speed of parallel generation.
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知识密集型任务,例如开放域问题答案(QA),需要访问大量的世界知识或领域知识。知识密集型任务的一种常见方法是采用检索到阅读的管道,该管道首先从诸如Wikipedia之类的外部语料库中检索少数相关的上下文文档,然后预测在检索文档的条件下得到答案。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的观点,可以通过用大型语言模型生成器代替文档检索器来解决知识密集型任务。我们称我们的方法生成-Read Read(GenRead),该方法首先提示大型语言模型根据给定问题生成上下文文档,然后读取生成的文档以产生最终答案。此外,我们提出了一种基于聚类的提示方法,该方法选择了不同的提示,从而产生了涵盖不同观点的生成文档,从而更好地回忆了可接受的答案。我们对三个不同的知识密集任务进行了广泛的实验,包括开放域质量检查,事实检查和对话系统。值得注意的是,GenRead在Triviaqa和WebQ上实现了71.6和54.4的精确匹配分数,显着超过了最先进的检索到+4.0和+3.9的最先进的dpr-fid,而无需从任何外部知识源中检索任何文档。最后,我们证明可以通过结合检索和生成来进一步提高模型性能。
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Binaural audio plays a significant role in constructing immersive augmented and virtual realities. As it is expensive to record binaural audio from the real world, synthesizing them from mono audio has attracted increasing attention. This synthesis process involves not only the basic physical warping of the mono audio, but also room reverberations and head/ear related filtrations, which, however, are difficult to accurately simulate in traditional digital signal processing. In this paper, we formulate the synthesis process from a different perspective by decomposing the binaural audio into a common part that shared by the left and right channels as well as a specific part that differs in each channel. Accordingly, we propose BinauralGrad, a novel two-stage framework equipped with diffusion models to synthesize them respectively. Specifically, in the first stage, the common information of the binaural audio is generated with a single-channel diffusion model conditioned on the mono audio, based on which the binaural audio is generated by a two-channel diffusion model in the second stage. Combining this novel perspective of two-stage synthesis with advanced generative models (i.e., the diffusion models),the proposed BinauralGrad is able to generate accurate and high-fidelity binaural audio samples. Experiment results show that on a benchmark dataset, BinauralGrad outperforms the existing baselines by a large margin in terms of both object and subject evaluation metrics (Wave L2: 0.128 vs. 0.157, MOS: 3.80 vs. 3.61). The generated audio samples ( and code ( are available online.
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Text summarization is a user-preference based task, i.e., for one document, users often have different priorities for summary. As a key aspect of customization in summarization, granularity is used to measure the semantic coverage between the summary and source document. However, developing systems that can generate summaries with customizable semantic coverage is still an under-explored topic. In this paper, we propose the first unsupervised multi-granularity summarization framework, GranuSum. We take events as the basic semantic units of the source documents and propose to rank these events by their salience. We also develop a model to summarize input documents with given events as anchors and hints. By inputting different numbers of events, GranuSum is capable of producing multi-granular summaries in an unsupervised manner. Meanwhile, we annotate a new benchmark GranuDUC that contains multiple summaries at different granularities for each document cluster. Experimental results confirm the substantial superiority of GranuSum on multi-granularity summarization over strong baselines. Further, by exploiting the event information, GranuSum also exhibits state-of-the-art performance under the conventional unsupervised abstractive setting. Dataset for this paper can be found at:
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今天的大部分AI系统都专注于使用自我关注机制和变压器架构在大量多样化的数据中实现令人印象深刻的性能收益。在本文中,我们建议使用外部注意机制增强变压器架构,以带来外部知识和背景。通过将外部信息集成到预测过程中,我们希望减少对更大的模型的需求,并增加AI系统的民主化。我们发现所提出的外部注意机制可以显着提高现有AI系统的性能,使从业者可以轻松地将基础AI模型自定义到许多不同的下游应用程序。特别是,我们专注于勤杂朗语推理的任务,展示所提出的外部注意机制可以增加现有的变压器模型,并显着提高模型的推理能力。拟议的系统,知识外部关注推理(Kear),达到了开放的铜商QA研究基准的人类奇偶校验,其准确性为89.4 \%,与人类准确性为88.9 \%。
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Vision-and语言(VL)预培训已被证明对各种VL下游任务非常有效。虽然最近的工作表明,基于完全变换器的VL模型可以比以前的基于区域特征的方法更有效,但它们在下游任务上的性能通常显着降低。在本文中,我们呈现仪表〜(\ textbf {m} ultimodal \ textbf {e} nd-to-text \ textbf {t} ransform \ textbf {er}),我们通过它系统地调查如何设计和预先列车基于完全变换器的VL模型以端到端的方式。具体而言,我们将模型设计沿多个尺寸分析:视觉编码器(例如,剪辑 - vit,Swin变压器),文本编码器(例如,Roberta,Deberta),多模式融合(例如,合并注意力与共同关注),架构设计(例如,仅编码器与编码器 - 解码器)和预训练目标(例如,屏蔽图像建模)。我们对广泛的VL任务进行全面实验,并提供有关如何在保持快速推理速度的同时培训表演VL变压器的见解。值得注意的是,仪表〜使用仅使用4M图像进行预培训的VQAV2 TEST-STD设置的精度为77.64 \%,超过最先进的区域特征的VINVL模型+1.04 \%,以及优于以前最好的完全变换器的ALBEF模型+1.6 \%。
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